Saturday, May 3, 2008

Best Skin Care Product

Take care of it or lose it! That's pretty much the deal with your appearance. If you fail to groom yourself properly and take sufficient care of your skin, teeth and hair, you will watch them seriously degrade as the years pass. There are no two ways about it. Good genetics can only go so far. Now, having said that, I realize that many individuals are out searching for the best skin care product known to man. Well, good for you. There's nothing wrong with this route of determination. We routinely see celebrities go to enormous lengths for specific cosmetics. It's only natural that everyday people want to as well. However, here is the kicker; there is no single ideal skin care solution. In reality we're all different, and our faces call for different products and treatments.

Once you have established your skin type, it'll be much easier to find the best skin care product that works wonders for you. Take my wife for example. She goes gaga over Clinique Turnaround cream. Now, I'm not pitching this exfoliating moisturizer to you by any means. I'm simply pointing out that my wife finds it ideal. She also prefers a specific eye cream from Lancome. As you can see, it's not always about sticking with one particular brand. The various products that your complexion requires could all be from different makers. As I stated before, the key is finding out your skin type and taking it from there.

So I discovered that my complexion is generally dry. The dermatologist told me it was dry to normal or vice versa. In short, I should only cleanse once a day with a mild cleansing product. She recommended "Purpose" by Johnson and Johnson. Ever since then, I've been using "Purpose" with great success. I would even call it one of the best skin care products I've encountered thus far. Secondly she recommended a men's moisturizer. I ended up choosing one from Jack Black. It works great and keeps my complexion hydrated. Are you getting the picture? Knowing your face is the answer to finding the best skin care product. We're all different and certainly can't expect to agree on what works best for our individual complexions.

Benefits Of Aloe Vera

Aloe plants have been used by people for many different things and for many, many years. People who appreciate the natural benefits of aloe vera know that this is one of the most versatile plants around. While some of us purchase the actual foliage, others prefer to look for products that contain ingredients that include aloe.

One of the most popular benefits of aloe vera is its healing properties, specifically for the skin. Anyone who has ever used this plant extract for a burn or an insect bite knows how well it works for these kinds of irritations. I was so impressed with these particular benefits of aloe vera that I actually bought an aloe plant.

This plant is not the most attractive piece of nature on the market. It has thick, long arms that remind me of green tentacles on a small squid. There are also spiny points that jut out like cactus thorns without the actual thorns. The aloe plant looks like it has a severe skin condition itself.

Looks is definitely not one of the benefits of aloe vera plants but what it lacks in attractiveness it makes up for in usefulness. Whenever I would get home from working as a fry cook all evening, I would immediately put some pure aloe on my skin. This helped to reduce redness and irritation due to grease burns that I would occasionally gather during a shift.

Insect bites are other skin irritants that needed to be addressed. My roommate had a cat and no matter how much she swore that the cat didn’t have fleas, I seemed to manage to get a whole load of flea bites. One of the most valuable benefits of aloe is its ability to squelch the sting and burning that flea bites can cause some people.

Anyone who uses sunscreen may be happy to know another of the benefits of aloe vera. Aloe can help make your sunscreen work better. This is a great benefit for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors. Not only are you keeping your skin soft and moist, you are also protecting it from harmful sun rays.

I did notice that my skin was soft and well moisturized when I used the plant on a regular basis. Now that I’m not surrounded by fleas and I no longer work as a fry cook, I still use the aloe every day. It is a great product to have around for bites, burns or injuries.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

When you don't have time for a manicure or don't want to wait until broken fingernails have grown out again, use artificial nails. Artificial nails are also known as press-on or glue-on nails. This is because – you guessed it – you glue them on your fingernails.

You can buy them wherever beauty products for women are sold. Buy nails that conform to your fingernail surface type. There are flat nail beds, high arch nail beds, and regular nail beds. Select the one that fits the contours of your fingernails.

A package of these nails can vary greatly in quality. Some come attached to plastic wheels. They must then be twisted off. These are the worst kind, because there is always a little plastic nub from where it was attached. The better option is the type that come in trays that conveniently separate them by size. Normally, your tray will separate the nails into five sizes, sometimes six for unusually large or small finger nails.

You'll also need to purchase nail glue. You can get glue specifically formulated for artificial nails or you can just use super glue.

Once you've purchased your nails and glue, you're set to attach them at your convenience. You will have to prime your nails, shape the artificial nails and then glue them on.

To prime your fingernails, clean each nail bed with nail polish remover. Then, using a soft nail file, gently file the surface of each. Making a rough surface allows the artificial nail to stay attached longer.

Next, size the artificial nails for each finger. Match the size of your nails with those of the artificial nails. Nail bed width sizes vary. If none of the sizes exactly match your size, select a nail larger than the width of your nail and file the sides down to your nail's width.

Now you're ready to attach them to your nails. For each nail, apply glue thinly over the entire nail surface. If you apply the glue too thickly, the nail will appear to be unnaturally raised. Holding the nail by the tip, align its base against your fingernail cuticle and fit the nail over your own fingernail. Press it down firmly. Then, using thumb and index finger, pinch the artificial nail and the finger tip together, starting from the base and working up to the tip. Repeat for each nail.

Artificial nails can then be painted like natural nails. The down side is that every time you want a new color, a new set is needed. If you try to put nail polish remover on an artificial nail, it will literally melt and disintegrate. Even so, you'll be delighted when someone tells you how beautiful your nails are. It's your prerogative to tell them they're not your own nails. If you attached them carefully, they'll look as natural as your own.

Artificial nails

When you don't have time for a manicure or don't want to wait until broken fingernails have grown out again, use artificial nails. Artificial nails are also known as press-on or glue-on nails. This is because – you guessed it – you glue them on your fingernails.

You can buy them wherever beauty products for women are sold. Buy nails that conform to your fingernail surface type. There are flat nail beds, high arch nail beds, and regular nail beds. Select the one that fits the contours of your fingernails.

A package of these nails can vary greatly in quality. Some come attached to plastic wheels. They must then be twisted off. These are the worst kind, because there is always a little plastic nub from where it was attached. The better option is the type that come in trays that conveniently separate them by size. Normally, your tray will separate the nails into five sizes, sometimes six for unusually large or small finger nails.

You'll also need to purchase nail glue. You can get glue specifically formulated for artificial nails or you can just use super glue.

Once you've purchased your nails and glue, you're set to attach them at your convenience. You will have to prime your nails, shape the artificial nails and then glue them on.

To prime your fingernails, clean each nail bed with nail polish remover. Then, using a soft nail file, gently file the surface of each. Making a rough surface allows the artificial nail to stay attached longer.

Next, size the artificial nails for each finger. Match the size of your nails with those of the artificial nails. Nail bed width sizes vary. If none of the sizes exactly match your size, select a nail larger than the width of your nail and file the sides down to your nail's width.

Now you're ready to attach them to your nails. For each nail, apply glue thinly over the entire nail surface. If you apply the glue too thickly, the nail will appear to be unnaturally raised. Holding the nail by the tip, align its base against your fingernail cuticle and fit the nail over your own fingernail. Press it down firmly. Then, using thumb and index finger, pinch the artificial nail and the finger tip together, starting from the base and working up to the tip. Repeat for each nail.

Artificial nails can then be painted like natural nails. The down side is that every time you want a new color, a new set is needed. If you try to put nail polish remover on an artificial nail, it will literally melt and disintegrate. Even so, you'll be delighted when someone tells you how beautiful your nails are. It's your prerogative to tell them they're not your own nails. If you attached them carefully, they'll look as natural as your own.

All natural skin care

About 3 years ago, I started a company specializing in all natural skin care products. I came at it from a rather novel approach. I was a specialist in herbal treatments for many different diseases. I have had formal studies as an herbalists for several years, as well as an apprenticeship in traditional Chinese medicine. Although very few of the things that we herbalists make are useful for all natural skincare, I thought that I could use my knowledge of herbs and extracts to help make better products.

A lot of my friends were pretty skeptical when I first came up with the idea. You see, I come up with a lot of projects, but I have never been all that good at following through on them. They had expected my all natural skin care business to be the same. When I came out with my first skin anti aging cream, they figured that I would be out of business in three or four months at most. When I came out with a new line of all natural skin care products meant for dry, chapped skin, they figured it would flop within the first year. Now, 3 years down the line, my all natural skin care business is still doing very well. They can not figure out how I do it.

When my friends ask about how to make money in the all natural skin care industry, the answer is easy. I tell them that the secret is finding a niche market. You see, all natural skin care is not that new, and it is not that specialized. People from all over the world buy skin care all natural beauty products to heal and rejuvenate their bodies. What I do that the other companies don't, however, is to cash in on a local clientèle. Not only do I sell all natural skin care products, but I sell them made from locally grown, indigenous plant oils. Rather than being imported from all around the world, they are all made right here in Oregon.

A lot of people are willing to pay quite a bit of money for all natural skin care that they can trust. If they know that it is locally grown and manufactured, they can feel good about what they are buying. And feeling good about their purchases is what keeps the customers coming back over and over again.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Beauty Of Womens Skin By Cleansing And Moisturizers

As a woman, it can sometimes seem impossible to find the right beauty care to maintain clear, attractive skin. If we are not experiencing difficulty from acne flare-ups, we are combating dry skin and potential wrinkles. Ongoing practice is the only was to achieve touchable, appealing skin all the time.

Cleansing Your Skin

Beauty skin care involves cleansing your skin twice daily, everyday. When you forget to wash your face at night and leave your makeup on, your pores become clogged and your skin is unable to properly rejuvenate itself. Use a gentle cleanser with no alcohol or harsh detergents and warm water to wash your face. Gently rub your face dry with a soft towel made from natural fabrics. Do not rub or use hot water that can irritate your skin.

The Three Step Method

Many popular regimes use the three step method of cleansing, toning and moisturizing because it is the most effective. After you cleanse your face gently, a toner is used to remove excess oil and unclog your pores. Once your pores are fully cleansed, a light moisturizer is applied to your face. This routine should be done once in the morning and once before bed for optimum results.

For your body beauty care, a gentle body wash works well to get rid of dirt and grime from the day. Your body should be cleansed once a day. After taking a shower or bath, apply a body moisturizer to your skin while it is still slightly damp to seal in the moisture. Instead of using a toner for body beauty skin care, you should periodically exfoliate the skin on your body with a loofah or bath sponge to unclog your pores.

Too Much of a Good Thing

While regular cleansing is an essential element of a successful program, you can do too much of a good thing. When you wash your face or shower more than twice a day, you are stripping your skin of essential oils and making it overproduce sebum to make up for the loss. The result can be dry skin or dry skin with breakouts. The best practice is to wash your face twice daily and shower once each day.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

There are good and bad ingredients in the skin care products you choose. For example, you should always avoid stringent products that contain alcohol, such as toners and cleansers. Your beauty regime should use non-comedogenic moisturizers that do not contain heavy oils that clog. Everyday skin care ingredients that are beneficial for your skin include aloe vera, witch hazel, chamomile, green tea and Vitamin E. Choosing products with the wrong ingredients can be an ugly recipe for disaster that causes breakouts, dry patches, clogged pores or even an allergic reaction. The best routine is the one that work well for your type of skin. It may take some trial and error, but with a bit of knowledge it should be easy to have healthy, good-looking skin most of the time.

Discover the ultimate beauty skin care secrets and more easy to follow tips on my web log.

Maya McMahon is a self-taught expert on skin care topics;

Maya's expertise ranges from acne prevention and care to anti-aging and organic skin care treatments.

She has accumulated vast experience and knowledge through self learning, experiencing and testing for the last 25 years.

Womens Skin Care Through Nutrition

Beautiful skin often begins inside and radiates outward. All skin care is not created equally. Beautiful skin often begins inside and radiates outward. Women's skin care differs from that of children and men, and among women, skin care even differs at various stages of life. Poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle choices and stress all contribute to the overall poor health of the skin. Bad habits such as smoking and consuming high-fat, high-salt diets deprive the body of the important nutrients skin needs.

Women have a tendency to retain water, causing skin to look and feel more bloated. To keep water retention under control, it's important for women to limit the amount of salt in their diets. Extra care should be taken to avoid further skin irritation, cuts or ingrown hairs. Drink at least the recommended eight cups a day and compensate for alcoholic and caffeinated beverages with more water. Exercise is also a good component to skin care.

Regular workouts keep the skin toned and make the feel good. Dry skin can be sunburned much more easily than skin that retains moisture. Moisturizing the skin on a regular basis can help to keep you from getting a sunburn. There are two effective methods to achieve this. Moisturizing towelettes can moisturize the skin, and are convienient and easy to use. Moisturizing the skin, and avoiding long term, repeated exposure to the sun are two of the best ways to protect the skin. A facial cleanser should be used in the morning and at night, especially to wash off cosmetics and a day's worth of grime. Dry skin tends to do better with non-soapy cleansers since soap can be even more drying. Oily skin often likes soap. Like moisturizers, there are dozens of cleansers to choose from.

Skin Care Women Tips

1. Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face.

2. Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good moisturiser for dry skin. Apply this mask for 10 minutes.

3. Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face.

4. Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it.

5. Carrot juice applied daily fades blemishes.

6. Mix half teaspoon dried curry leaf powder with multani mitti (fullers earth) and apply on the face.

7. Apply the mixture of tomato juice and honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes.

8. Apply the mixture of carrot juice and basin. Leave it till it dries and wash the face.

9. Add two teaspoon of tomato juice with 4 teaspoon of curd and apply on the face.

10. Add a pinch of yeast with 2 teaspoon of cabbage juice and apply.

11. Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.

12. Apply a mixture of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used

13. Grind betel leaf and add a little coconut oil and apply it on the spots.

14. Apply the mixture of honey, basin, cream of milk and olive oil as a face pack.

15. Apply the paste of fenugreek with milk on the face and let it dry. Wash off with luke warm water.

16. Mix thick curd, turmeric and two drops of oil. Apply on the face.

17. Crush garlic and take the juice and apply it on the face daily to reduce pimples

18. Apply a mixture of turmeric and neem on the face.

19. A mixture of crushed mint leaves and oats will reduce pimples. Leave this for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water.

20. Make a paste with sandal wood and turmeric and apply it on the face.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Right Beauty Care For Attractive And Appealing Skin

As a woman, it can sometimes seem impossible to find the right beauty care to maintain clear, attractive skin. If we are not experiencing difficulty from acne flare-ups, we are combating dry skin and potential wrinkles. Ongoing practice is the only was to achieve touchable, appealing skin all the time.

Cleansing Your Skin

Beauty skin care involves cleansing your skin twice daily, everyday. When you forget to wash your face at night and leave your makeup on, your pores become clogged and your skin is unable to properly rejuvenate itself. Use a gentle cleanser with no alcohol or harsh detergents and warm water to wash your face. Gently rub your face dry with a soft towel made from natural fabrics. Do not rub or use hot water that can irritate your skin.

The Three Step Method

Many popular regimes use the three step method of cleansing, toning and moisturizing because it is the most effective. After you cleanse your face gently, a toner is used to remove excess oil and unclog your pores. Once your pores are fully cleansed, a light moisturizer is applied to your face. This routine should be done once in the morning and once before bed for optimum results.

For your body beauty care, a gentle body wash works well to get rid of dirt and grime from the day. Your body should be cleansed once a day. After taking a shower or bath, apply a body moisturizer to your skin while it is still slightly damp to seal in the moisture. Instead of using a toner for body beauty skin care, you should periodically exfoliate the skin on your body with a loofah or bath sponge to unclog your pores.

Too Much of a Good Thing

While regular cleansing is an essential element of a successful program, you can do too much of a good thing. When you wash your face or shower more than twice a day, you are stripping your skin of essential oils and making it overproduce sebum to make up for the loss. The result can be dry skin or dry skin with breakouts. The best practice is to wash your face twice daily and shower once each day.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

There are good and bad ingredients in the skin care products you choose. For example, you should always avoid stringent products that contain alcohol, such as toners and cleansers. Your beauty regime should use non-comedogenic moisturizers that do not contain heavy oils that clog. Everyday skin care ingredients that are beneficial for your skin include aloe vera, witch hazel, chamomile, green tea and Vitamin E. Choosing products with the wrong ingredients can be an ugly recipe for disaster that causes breakouts, dry patches, clogged pores or even an allergic reaction. The best routine is the one that work well for your type of skin. It may take some trial and error, but with a bit of knowledge it should be easy to have healthy, good-looking skin most of the time.

Natural Skin Care - Keep Your Skin Glowing

Right eating habits and the right natural care can do wonders for your looks and health. Here are some precious natural skin care tips which will make your skin glow round the clock.

1) Glowing Facial Mask: Having a tough time keeping your skin glowing? Well, here is an easy way to keep the radiance on your face intact. All you need is: a tbsp fuller's earth. 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp mashed papaya. Mix all these ingredients and put on face for 20 minutes then rinse off.

2) Gentle facial cleanser: Take a 1/2 cup of oatmeal or cornmeal and plain yoghurt (add enough yoghurt to form a paste). For a gentle facial cleanser, mix the ingredients, smooth over the entire face avoiding eye area. Wash off with warm water. Oatmeal is highly absorptive, hypoallergenic, and helps to soften skin. Oats have the best amino acid balance of all the cereal grains (amino acids work as water-binding agents in skin care products). Oats have also been clinically shown to help heal dry, itchy skin.

3) Hair Spray: Chop one lemon(or an orange for dry hair). Place in a pot with two cups water. Boil until half of the initial amount remains. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Store in refrigerator. If it is too sticky, add more water. Add one ounce of alcohol as a preservative and thenthe spray can be stored for up to two weeks unrefrigerated.

4) Hair Cocktail:

. For instant shine: Lightly beat two eggs mixed with some milk and run throuigh your hair. Leave on for five minutes, rinse and you will see a shine instantly.

. For Dandruff: Dissolve two aspirins in your dandruff shampoo and watch how it clears up. Use a good moisturizing conditioner afterward.

. For greasy hair: Use face powder. Put a little at the root of your hair before straying. If it is a serious problem, put the powder on heavily for 15 minutes wash completely, condition lightly, and style.

. Sweet shine: Honey applied in a small amount while washing the hair will give you a great shine.

5) Blackheads removal: Combine one fourth cup boiling water with one teaspoon of Epsom salt and three drops of Iodine. Let mixture cool until it's comfortable to the touch. Saturate a cotton ball with this mixture and dab on blackheads. This will allow the black heads to loosen so they can be easily squeezed with a gauze pad. Remember to apply a moisturiser soon after.